My PCOS Support
Have you ever heard of PCOS? Not many have yet. It’s short for Polycystic Ovary/Ovarian Syndrome, and it might sound like some rare and far-away condition, but it’s not. PCOS is an extremely common – some say the most common – condition among women, in the fertile age group (15-49) today. It is a hormonal (endocrine) and metabolic condition that presents with some of the most common “every day” signs and symptoms that women experience:
And, of course, there are the invisible effects that go with it all. The fear of leaving the house when you just want to hide from the world. The anxiety of “will this ever go away?” The depression of “why me?” and “am I alone?”
Fortunately, we now know enough about PCOS to be able to do something about it.
What is PCOS?
PCOS is a hormonal condition that also affects your metabolism. Research shows that most women who are diagnosed with PCOS have an underlying problem with processing insulin, the hormone that helps your body store and use carbohydrates as energy.
When your body is unable to use insulin correctly, this insulin resistance triggers your ovaries to produce more androgens (male hormone) than normal. This plays havoc with your weight change, causes acne and may cause excess hair growth. Even scarier, the excess androgen in your body contributes to irregular or missed periods – and could even lead to infertility.
What Can I Do If I Think I Have PCOS?
The good news is you can get help. And it’s pretty easy. Your doctor or gynae will be able to advise you. You can take a few quick tests, get an expert’s insight and finally have an answer to the questions you had about your body.
And it doesn’t matter what age you are. In your teens, you might just want some answers about your weight, acne, hair growth, and those times you missed your period. Or, if you want to start a family, you might already have some trouble conceiving. Even later in life, if you’ve had some of these symptoms and just want to make sure the insulin part doesn’t become something more serious (yes, PCOS has been linked to diabetes and heart diseases).
If you feel you need some clarity, getting medical advice is a way to break out of the cycle of fear and anxiety. A way to change things. To take back your life and be able to look forward again.
Introducing Ovaria
Before you look in the mirror. (Again!) Before you step on that scale. (For the thousandth time.) There’s something really important that you should know.
Using an inspired blend of ingredients, including a naturally-occurring complex that’s part of the vitamin B family, Ovaria is a brand-new ovarian-health nutritional supplement. Our main ingredient is 4000mg Myoinositol, the required daily dose clinically proven to be effective in the treatment of PCOS symptoms.
The naturally-occurring ingredients in Ovaria bind to cell receptors, activating the signaling pathways that regulate thyroid hormones and, most importantly, insulin in the body. This means Ovaria helps activate glucose transporters and helps your cells use the glucose. And, so doing, Ovaria helps normalise blood insulin levels, which normalises androgen and improves the symptoms of PCOS, including weight gain, fertility, oily skin, acne and hair growth.
Understanding your Symptoms Better
Usually striking around puberty, it can continue into early adulthood. And while it might be mild and manageable for some women, it can much more serious for others.
Weight Gain
New research into a poorly understood hormonal condition that affects millions of women shows that there could be a link between stubborn weight gain, your metabolism and your ovarian health.
Hirsutism or excessive growth of both facial or body hair on women is associated with a surplus of male hormones or androgens in the body.
Irregular Periods
All sorts of things can play havoc with your periods – stress, diet and too much exercise just for a start. And, for most women, a missed period is an occasional event.
It’s devastating for a woman when you just don’t conceive. Is it me? What’s wrong with me? And then, when it seems everyone around you is starting their families, there’s the eventual: Why is it only me?
What Can You Do?
Ensuring that you maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly will not only improve your overall health, but will also improve the benefits that Ovaria has to offer!
Click on the options below to find out our suggestions for a healthy lifestyle.
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