It’s time to talk about PCOS – and how Ovaria could change your life


Did you know that September is international PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) Awareness Month? It’s an important time for the millions of women affected by the condition because, while one in ten will suffer from it, many don’t even realize it. In fact, one study found that up to 70% of women with PCOS didn’t have a diagnosis. This is because, while the condition has many symptoms, you won’t necessarily have all of them. Also, many of these symptoms – like weight gain, for example – are often attributed to other things. But first, let’s start with the basics by explaining exactly what PCOS is. The more you know, the more you’ll be empowered to get the right treatment as well as support your PCOS sisters.

What is PCOS?

PCOS, a chronic condition that affects women during their fertile years, is caused by ovaries that secrete an excess of male hormones, known as androgens. Doctors still don’t know exactly why this happens but suspect it’s due to genetics, unchecked inflammation and insulin resistance.

While healthy ovaries will produce and release a mature egg each month, a PCOS-affected ovary produces immature egg follicles. Instead of growing to maturation and being released, these develop into multiple small cysts. (This is what gives the condition its name - “polycystic” referring to having many cysts.) Still, this isn’t the only thing elevated androgen levels can lead to. They might also cause a PCOS sufferer to have irregular periods – or no period at all. Other symptoms include oily skin, acne, weight gain, skin discolouration and thinning hair as well as developing hair where it shouldn’t be – like on your face. But again, the thing that makes diagnoses tricky is that a sufferer won’t necessarily have every symptom. However, getting a diagnosis is vital because, if left untreated, PCOS can lead to infertility and act as a precursor for potentially deadly conditions like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and even endometrial cancer.

Treat it to beat it

The first step in regaining your power over PCOS is getting a diagnosis. This means chatting to your doctor to rule it out as a possible cause for any of its symptoms. This can be done with blood tests that create a clear picture of your hormonal profile and an ultrasound that can spot any abnormal follicles on your ovaries. They’ll also want to know about your menstrual cycle. Typically, to be diagnosed with PCOS, you’ll need to have at least two of these three symptoms – elevated androgen levels, ovarian cysts and an irregular menstrual cycle.

No woman wants to hear they’ve been diagnosed with PCOS but once you know what you’re up against, you can take action to manage your symptoms in a way that can be life-changing. The first step will be to make changes to your diet that allow you to lower your insulin levels. Studies show that up to 70% of PCOS sufferers have insulin resistance, meaning their bodies’ struggle to convert carbohydrates into usable energy, storing it as fat instead. This is why low carbohydrate diets are typically recommended to PCOS sufferers as they can help you lose weight while lowering insulin levels.

You can also manage PCOS by taking birth control pills that contain progestin to help restore a healthy hormonal balance while drugs like Metformin can help regulate your insulin levels. Sufferers can also reap huge benefits from supplementation that can go a long way towards enhancing their health, such as Ovaria by Lamelle Research Laboratories.

No chemicals, just proven benefits

Ovaria contains a blend of ingredients that include a vitamin B complex and 4000mg of Myoinositol, a naturally occurring carbohydrate that – unlike the kind that will aggravate insulin resistance – actually regulates how your body reacts to insulin. This reduces your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and other PCOS-related complications. In turn, managing your insulin levels will also help reduce your androgen levels. As a result, it can support weight loss while reducing the severity of acne as well as excessive hair growth.

Another great thing about Ovaria is that it’s clinically proven. Studies show it can increase your ovulation rate and improve fertility (in just 16 weeks!) as well as increase your menstruation cycles.

The bottom line

Ultimately, if you suspect you’re suffering from PCOS, make that doctor’s appointment today. Also, be sure to talk about it with your friends. The more women who know about the condition the better! While it can’t be cured, the many women who’ve reaped the amazing benefits of Ovaria are living proof that having PCOS doesn’t mean having to suffer from the symptoms. You also don’t have struggle alone. Visit our PCOS support page to learn more about the condition as well as ask our experts all your questions. Together, we can help you take your power back.


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